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Maintenance Power Outage Notification June 2

Dear Agoura Hills, City of, We will be performing maintenance on the electrical system in your area that will cause the power to be out temporarily. Reliable and up-to-date this work will ensure our grid is modern, but we understand that it can be an inconvenience. We will do our best to minimize the length of time you are without power. Please keep in mind that working with electricity can be hazardous and know that the safety of our customers and crews is our top priority. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to maintain and improve our system to better serve you. Please be prepared to be without electrical service on the following dates(s) and estimated timeframe(s): Outage Alert Num: 889926 Starting at: June 2, 2018 8:00 a.m. Ending at: June 2, 2018 3:00 p.m. AGOURA HILLS *Please be aware that your power may be turned on and off again more than once during the outage period outage Boundary: KANAN RD S/O AGOURA RD. Power outages may not begin or end for all customers at the stated times.

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